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3 astonishing theories about the universe

There are a number of cosmological models and theories you might have heard about. Many of them answer most of the questions but not all. The curiosity and the quest to find the answers often result in more theories.
Here we present 3 astonishing cosmological models about the universe. After all these are still theories as none has been proved yet.

1.White Holes

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You must have heard about the Black Hole (click here). A black hole is the result of a star which has died, creating a highly dense and massive body which sucks in light and all other matter surrounding it. But where do all these matter and energy go?

White holes are just opposite to black holes. Instead of sucking in, they spit out everything what the blackhole absorbs. It is an area in spacetime which couldn't take anything in but throw it out into its surrounding.

This was an hypothetical model created using the concept of relativity. If one will be ever found in future, it might disprove many laws of modern physics.

2.Ekpyrotic cyclic Universe Theory

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This theory states that their exist universes parallel to our own and occasionally they meet. When they intersect, intense energy is released which causes enormous disturbances in the spacetime resulting in the creation of particles, planets, nebulae and other celestial bodies.

After the collision they start moving in opposite direction. The more the move, the more these are attracted towards each other. Finally, when they converge, no celestial body can be found out their.
This goes like a cycle.

3. Universe originating from a black hole

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Every particle absorbed by a black hole may become a source of origin for a new universe, after the particle charged with enormous energy explodes.

It may be similar to the Big Bang only with a lot of explosions. Each newly-created universe again creates new black holes which in turn produce new universes. A recent study published in the scientific journal Nature shows that our entire universe might have been born out of a black hole.

The celestial bodies in space might belongs to another universe. In other words, the Big Bang was really just an extension of this theory.

What do you think is the most appropriate theory?
Coment below!


Anonymous said…
Wow it was very impressive.
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