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Cassini's latest discovery about Titan's lakes

Titan , the largest satellite of Saturn and second largest known satellite in our solar system, is much weirder than we might think. It is the only heavenly body, after earth, that contains surface liquids in stable forms and only moon with dense atmosphere. Cassini , a collaborative mission between NASA, ESA and ASI, has unveiled many secrets about Titan so far. The latest imagery from the Cassini probe claims that Titan's lakes may have been formed by exploding nitrogen bombs. Yes. their exist Nitrogen, an essential component for all life forms. Titan is mostly composed of icy and rocky materials. Scientists had long believed that these infamous lakes are a result of melting bedrock of ice by Methane. But a new data gathered by Cassini speaks otherwise. The nitrogen exploded below the surface due to increasing temperature resulting in craters, which were filled with liquids later.  No wonder, why NASA is planning a mission to explore this mysterious world by 2026. ...
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